Partnering with service providers across the state is one of our goals. In partnering, we can ensure all of our communities have equal access to the most effective research-based information and programs. Here are a few national and international programs recommended to us. If you know of a great project or program, feel free to share it with us, and we'll happily share it with the community.
Refer a Family to the Parent Alliance
A shareable flyer that tells you how to refer a family to the Parent Alliance
Tips For Providers Working With Grandfamilies
Grandparents raising their grandchildren face unique challenges. Here are a few they want you to think about before you begin working with them.
Family Trauma Institute
Training Mental Health Professionals to become Family Trauma Experts.
The Impact of Colonial Mentality on HealthCare Delivery Systems, Striving for Eqitable Systems of Care
Please join academic partner and subject matter expert, Dr. Christopher King, PhD, FACHE, Associate Professor of the Department of Health Systems Administration at Georgetown University, on a pre-recorded e-learning opportunity continuing the 2020-2021 Cultural Linguistic Competency Project.
National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative
NTI enables you to better address the mental health and developmental needs of children in foster, adoptive or guardianship families.
Working with Parents Involved in the Child Welfare System
Unresolved trauma can negatively affect parents’ coping, parenting, and the ability to interact effectively with the child welfare system. This online course was developed for individuals who work with birth parents involved in the child welfare system, and offers tips for viewing parents through a trauma lens, practical strategies to provide effective support to parents, and reminders about the importance of professionals’ own self-care.
Pediatric Mental Health Care in the Emergency Department. A Care Pathways Resource Toolkit
This toolkit serves as an acknowledgement of this critical need faced by the health care system and is designed to take a step forward in providing support to hospitals that share HRSA’s vision of providing high-quality, effective emergency care to pediatric patients in psychiatric distress
Center of Excellence for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
The CoE for IECMHC is a national technical assistance center dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT and IMPACT of the field of IECMHC through training, technical assistance and resource development.
Technical Assistance Collaborative
The Technical Assistance Collaborative is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping our nation's human services, health care, homelessness, and affordable housing systems implement policies that empower people to live healthy, independent lives in the communities they choose.
Technical Assistance
In addition to the Technical Assistance offered by our family experts at PA Parent and Family Alliance you can find specialized technical assistance for your program at the SAMHSA technical assistance centers.
The NCTSN has developed the Trauma-Informed Juvenile Court Self-Assessment (TI-JCSA). The TI-JCSA provides a juvenile justice system with a framework to examine, review, and rate day-to-day operations with a set of benchmarks to evaluate to what extent court operations reflect the content, process, and systems-level procedures reflected in each essential element.
MOMS - Mental Health Outreach for Mothers
The MOMS Partnership® is a program that has successfully reduced depressive symptoms among over-burdened, under-resourced pregnant women, moms, and other adult female caregivers in a family. Launched in New Haven, the MOMS Partnership brings mental health within reach of women, literally meeting them where they are.
Crisis Now; Dedicated to Transforming Mental Health Crisis Systems
There is a roadmap to a safe, effective and value-focused mental health crisis system. NASMHPD is proud to be the lead organization in the creation of the website. With the tools and information presented on this website, any community can make improvements to their crisis system and see meaningful results.
SMI Adviser A Clinical Support System for Serious Mental Illness
FREE ONLINE COURSES FOR CLINICIANS + PROVIDERS Earn continuing education credits. Access content created by national experts. Enhance your practice with evidence-based courses on SMI.
WRAP - Wellness Recovery Action Plan
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a personalized wellness and recovery system born out of and rooted in the principle of self-determination. In 2010, WRAP® was recognized by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as an evidence-based practice and listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (
About Us
PA Parent and Family Alliance is a state-wide program of the Allegheny Family Network
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The Parent Alliance is a non-profit, which means we provide our core services for free. Your donation keeps our services available and accessible to all parents in Pennsylvania. Donate to the Parent Alliance
We are grateful for financial support from PA Care Partnership.
PA Parent and Family Alliance. All Rights Reserved ©2024 | TERMS OF USE