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Partner with Us!

At the Parent Alliance, we understand that supporting children facing mental health challenges isn't complete without supporting their parents. Parents are the cornerstone of a child's well-being, and they need information and support to guide their children toward a path of health and happiness. Our mission is clear: we equip parents with the tools they need to become their child's best advocate.


Research shows that children who receive support within their families achieve more positive outcomes. By collaborating with us, your agency or parenting group can play a crucial role in nurturing the well-being of both children and parents. When parents work with the Parent Alliance, they report feeling more capable of providing their children with the support they need.

Our approach is rooted in trauma-informed and person-first language, focusing on "managing," "learning to manage," or "struggling" rather than "suffering from" a mental illness. We speak the language of challenges, not problems or issues.

By partnering with the Parent Alliance, your agency can join a collective effort to support the whole family. Together we can enhance the well-being of Pennsylvania's children facing mental health challenges, helping them thrive.

Learn more about how your agency or group can work with the Parent Alliance!

We currently hold contracts with CYS/F programs and county programs to provide full-time trained,

supervised, and dedicated FSPs.

Contracts can be tailored for your specific needs and budgets. We take hiring and supervising off your hands and provide monthly service reports tailored to your requirements. If you’re interested in discussing how your agency or county can partner with us to bring family support to your area, reach out!

We encourage providers to share our information with parents of the children you’re working with. By allowing parents to self-refer, they clearly understand that our agency provides services independent from any state or local agency. This separation provides parents with relief and understanding that we’re truly there to help them with the challenges they identify in an unbiased manner.


Workshops are offered at no cost to parent groups not charging a fee for attendance.

Brainstorming Session

At the Parent Alliance, we believe in making professional development accessible and inclusive for agencies and membership organizations. That's why we've implemented a flexible sliding scale fee structure designed to accommodate your needs. Our sliding scale fees are based on two important factors: the anticipated attendance at our training sessions and your organizational budget. We understand that every agency and organization is unique, and we want to ensure that our training aligns with your resources and priorities. By tailoring our fees to your circumstances, we aim to make it easier for you to invest in professional development opportunities that benefit your staff or members. These fees also play a vital role in supporting our ongoing work with families, enabling us to continue providing valuable resources and services to the community. We're here to help you grow, learn, and make a positive impact. So whether you're a small agency or a large organization, rest assured that our sliding scale training fees are designed with your best interests in mind. Let's work together to empower families and make a difference in our community.

Image by TienDat Nguyen
Image by krakenimages

Thanks for your interest in joining the Parent Alliance! We post all of our job postings here! 

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