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Are you concerned about your child's mental health but not sure where to turn? 

Are you a parent who's overwhelmed trying to help your child who has been diagnosed with:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • ADHD 

  • Bipolar Disorder 

  • OCD

  • Schizophrenia

  • other mental health diagnoses

or maybe you're worried about your child's  behavior? 

Are you tired of the red tape you get as you just try to get your child the help they need? 

At the Parent Alliance we get it. We've been there and we are here to support you. 

"I was starting to think nobody in the world was going through the parenting battles I am going through. Finding a community of parents who not only don't judge me, but understand me has been transformative. I feel like I can finally catch my footing."

—C.L., Mom of 3

"This time last year I was being sued for truancy because I couldn't get my teen out of bed because they were depressed. After finding the Parent Alliance I felt like someone finally wasn't assuming I was a bad parent. Now, with the support of this community I have been able to find my child the help they needed to address their depression and I feel so much less alone."

—J.A., Dad of 2

As a member of our community, you'll get:

  • Exclusive early access to tip sheets and event registrations.

  • Weekly blogs that address the challenges families are facing in realtime. 

  • 2 monthly emails delivered directly to your inbox to make sure you have the information you need, when you need it.

  • A community of parents who get what it's like to raise a child who is struggling. 

Want a head start? Check out some of our most popular resources: 

One on One Help

Do you want FREE, confidential, and personalized support?


Give one of our Family Support Partners a call today! They get what it's like to raise a child who is struggling and they are waiting by the phone to help you be your child's best advocate.

Support Groups

Parenting a child who is struggling can be exhausting. You deserve support.


Join one of our free virtual support groups of parents who get it. 

Tip Sheets

You don't have time for another Google search that leads nowhere. 

Check out our tip sheets made by parents for parents on all kinds of topics that can impact a child's mental health.


Is parenting what you expected? No? Us either. Check out our Podcast This is Not What I was Expecting.


Whether you're in a parking lot waiting for your child or in between meetings, these bite sized episodes were made for you.

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