Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
We care about your child's mental health,
And we know you do too!
Valentine's Day isn't just for date nights and grocery store roses! It can also be an opportunity to support children's mental health and show your loved ones that you care about theirs.
Donate today to support children's mental health across the state of Pennsylvania and your loved one will get a personalized message about how much you care!

Make a $30 donation you can send someone you love a week of self care! From journaling prompts, to mindful activities, to daily tasks to practice self care - there is something for everyone!
Your Self Care Package will be shipped directly to your loved one and will feature a personalized message from you. All while showing children across the state of PA that you care about their mental health.

Make a $10 donation you can show someone you love them by sending them a Virtual Valentine's Day while also helping children across the state of PA with their mental health.
Your generous donation will benefit children's mental health around the state of PA and support all of the work of the Parent Alliance.