Navigating Your Child's Anxiety
Raising a child who struggles with anxiety can be tricky, but you don't have to do it alone.
Check out 6 of the most common challenges children with anxiety may face and read about how their parents navigated them!
Night Anxiety
"Caught in a nightly battle with my son's YouTube addiction, I faced a tough decision: sacrifice sleep or succumb to screen time. He insisted his racing thoughts kept him awake, but I knew the glow of his phone wasn't helping his sleep cycle.
After much deliberation, we found a compromise. I had him listen to his favorite YouTube channels as podcasts. Then we set a timer and moved the charger out of reach. It worked like a charm.
Now, with familiar voices lulling him to sleep, my son drifts off faster, and I rest easier knowing he's not glued to a screen all night. Sometimes a little creativity is all it takes to find peace in the digital age."

Getting Constant Texts
"My son's constant barrage of texts during school hours was becoming a serious problem. Whether frantic or just quick check-ins and silly Tik Toks, they kept flooding my phone, even catching the eye of my boss. But how could I ignore them? What if something was wrong?
I had a conversation with my son, and I realized his text messages were just a way of him looking for connection. He wanted reassurance that I was okay and available if he needed me.
After figuring out that my son's texting was related to his anxiety, I knew I needed to find a solution that worked for both of us. I couldn't take the nonstop interruptions anymore, but he needed to know that I was there for him, even though he was at school.
So we devised a solution: a group chat with me, him, and his dad, which I mute. I told him this chat is for everything that is not timely. Whatever he wants us to look at he can send in this chat.
Anything that was timely and required a response he could text directly to me. That way I know if I see a text that is not in the chat, I need to check it.
Now my lunch breaks are filled with laughter and updates on his day as I scroll through the group, while urgent texts get the immediate attention they deserve. It's a win-win for our family, balancing connection with my work responsibilities."

Never-ending Questions
"Night after night, amidst our cozy family routine, I noticed my daughter drifting away, lost in her thoughts. Her eyes would fill with tears, and the questions would start pouring out. My attempts to soothe her fell short, leaving us both frustrated.
Determined to break the cycle, I changed our nightly ritual. Before settling in for our show, I'd ask her what was on her mind. Together we tackled her anxieties head-on, creating a safe space for her to share.
Listening without judgment, I assured her that her worries were valid and that I'd always be there to help. Though her anxiety didn't vanish overnight, our consistent communication and support brought us closer.
Now my daughter faces her fears with courage, knowing she can rely on me. Our bond is stronger, and her anxiety no longer controls her. It's a journey we're taking together, one night at a time."

Sudden Angry Outbursts
“My 13-year-old son used to get very angry randomly. It was like a switch flipped, and our nice calm day was filled with rage and screaming.
I would get embarrassed because I was being yelled at by my child in public, and I got angry back most of the time.
I ended up finding the Parent Alliance and worked with a Family Support Partner (FSP).
My FSP helped me understand that my son's anger could have been related to his anxiety. When my FSP said the phrase, 'Your son is not giving you a hard time—he's having a hard time,' it clicked for me.
Now when he gets angry at me, I completely disengage. I remind myself that he is having a hard time and I am the safe place that he's letting it out on.
I take a deep breath, ignore the people looking at us (because like my FSP said they don't know anything about our situation), and walk away if I can.
I don't step into the fight that my son is trying to pick with me. I learned that when I don't feed into his anger with my anger, the whole thing is a lot less dramatic.
My son now sees a weekly therapist, and his anger is much less frequent than it was before I called the Parent Alliance."

Anxiety and Avoidance
"Living on the fifth floor was tough for my son because he was really anxious being on any elevators.
Taking the stairs wasn't always an option for us with two younger siblings. So my husband and I decided to help him face his fear, slowly and patiently.
We never just forced him into taking the elevator because we thought this would make his anxiety worse.
We talked a lot about why he felt anxious and tried to show him that elevators are safe. Our building's elevator mechanic was so kind and patient that he even sat with my son and explained how they work and what to do if we ever got stuck.
With all this info and support, my son started feeling less scared. It was a slow process, but now sometimes, he even hops on the elevator without thinking twice. It's a big win for him and us!"

Living at the Nurse's Office
"My daughter was visiting the nurse's office a lot at school, and it worried me. I felt like it was too much, and my daughter told me the nurse doesn't even call every single time she's there.
I did not want it to get in the way of her learning, so I tried to figure out why she was going to the nurse so often. Was there a pattern? I called the nurse and asked her to give me a log of all the times my daughter had been there.
It turned out she was avoiding math class, which she has always found hard. Every time she went to the nurse, it was right before math.
I realized her struggles with math were causing her a lot of anxiety. So,I talked to her math teacher and got her a tutor. Now her math skills are getting better, and she's less anxious about the class. She hardly ever goes to the nurse's office anymore."

Do you need personalized support?
We know how challenging it is to watch your child struggle with anxiety. We hope these stories give you some ideas on how you can help your child better manage some of the most common hurdles children who struggle with anxiety face.
If you are a Pennsylvania parent and would like FREE and CONFIDENTIAL 1:1 guidance on how to best support your child, give us a call today!
By calling 570-664-8615 or booking a time to talk you will be partnered with your very own Family Support Partner (FSP) who can help you figure out the best next move to get your child the support they need to thrive. We've been where you are and want to help—give us a call today!
Not sure if working with an FSP is right for you? Learn more about the process by clicking the button below.